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New ASC Whitepaper: New Work in Financial Services

How to successfully implement collaboration and compliance in the financial industry

Team spirit, leeway, temporal, spatial, and organizational flexibility: New Work is the evolution towards a new working environment. And of course, this has left a mark in the financial services industry as well. Especially in this environment, compliance with a large number of regulatory requirements is a must. This calls for a solution that enables networked working and communicating as well as meeting compliance regulations. In its latest whitepaper “New Work in Financial Services”, ASC Technologies AG explains how to succeed in this endeavor and what role the app ASC Recording Insights is playing.

Legal stipulations for communication recording

Directives and legal regulations such as MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, FinVermV or the GDPR entail substantial changes for companies in the financial services sector. Among other things, they stipulate the uninterrupted recording and archiving of all calls dealing with financial and investment advice. But how is it possible to communicate in a decentralized way and at the same time to meet the large number of rigid compliance regulations?

By means of collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams! By cooperating with ASC Technologies AG, institutions that are legally obliged to record their entire communication can profit from the company’s many years of experience in the financial market and use Teams in compliance with the law. This is made possible by the app “ASC Recording Insights” for compliance recording and archiving.

“Companies in the financial services sector require a reliable solution to the predominant issues that prey on their minds – data protection, data security, compliance, mobility and teamwork across all communication channels”, says Dr. Gerald Kromer, CEO at ASC Technologies AG. “And how exactly this works, explains our whitepaper ‘New Work in Financial Services’.”