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ASC fosters IT talents in the Bavarian Lower Main region

Tackling tomorrow’s topics with today’s students

The German software company ASC Technologies AG from Hösbach cooperates closely with the university of applied sciences in Aschaffenburg to foster young IT experts. In focus: supporting up-and-coming IT talents. Being part of the local Initiative for Information Technology (IFI), ASC follows the guiding principle: “Tackling tomorrow’s topics with today’s students.”

ASC is one of meanwhile 60 companies from the Bavarian Lower Main region that have joined hands in 2018 to form the “Initiative for Information Technology” and are committed to a more practical approach and closer ties between industry and universities. The introduction of the new academic course “Software Design” at the university of applied sciences in Aschaffenburg in fall 2020 significantly boosted the IFI. It offers students the opportunity to establish close contacts with companies participating in the initiative right from the start of their studies thanks to regular hands-on projects and traineeships.

On top of promoting young talents in a business-oriented way, the cooperation additionally enables students to pay for their studies themselves. Furthermore, the resulting relationship is a valuable win-win situation for both parties. This is a key reason why ASC has been banking on a close cooperation with the students at the university of applied sciences in Aschaffenburg for many years. One of them has been Tim Herzog, student of industrial engineering, who in addition to his practical semester also worked at ASC as student trainee for four semesters and is now writing his Bachelor thesis at the company. He describes his time at ASC as “extremely informative and valuable”. “My expectations have definitely been exceeded. I can really recommend other students to get in touch with companies from the industry at an early stage of their studies”, he adds. ASC is looking forward to welcome students from the new course Software Design in the future, too, and to gain fresh impetus for the company.

Ann-Kathrin Müller, member of the ASC board, considers it the task of all companies in the IFI to take measures to counteract the shortage of skilled labor in the IT industry. “As a globally acting mid-sized IT company, we are responsible for the future of our industry. And our commitment to foster the education of young talents clearly shows that we are face up to this responsibility.” She continues: “Due to the increasing relevance and the uncountable fields of application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, it is important for us to showcase our expertise here in the region as well as worldwide. We are part of digital change in the global economy.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Doll, head of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology program at the university of applied sciences in Aschaffenburg, is backing the concept: “As the digital economy is witnessing a stellar rise of data-driven processes and machine learning, our students are facing increasing demands, too. Partnerships with local companies help us to foster the potential of our young talents. The university of applied sciences in Aschaffenburg welcomes these important contacts between companies and students very much.”